Week five: Nike
On the home page of Nike.com they have provided with a variety of options. On the very top are the options to choose which category products do people want to look at and they also have the current deals on display. On the top right they have provided the links to find a nearby store, or sign up for promotions and deals. In the middle, they have listed top products from different sections giving people some specific choices to shop from. At the bottom of the page, they have listed their top products in different categories and also in the very end provided links to get in touch with them in case someone needs any help. They have also provided links to their social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. I think they have organized it this way to promote their products and increase their sales. They have provided all the other necessary information as well in case someone needs to access it. Moreover, the flashy display attracts people a lot which is good for their business.
Where could the company improve in their online communication?
From my observations, I observed that they are not equally active on their social media platforms. From what I found, their last Facebook post was posted June 2022, whereas Instagram's last post was two hours ago. So that's an area where I think can definitely improve. Because I think being consistent throughout platforms is necessary in this digital world.
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